Training sessions by abonements

To get a monthly abonement for figure skating, the right decision on the way of education of a real skater. "International figure skating school" provides a large selection of season tickets for the skaters of the school.

Abonement for a figure skating is a necessity for an skater and an advantageous acquisition of training sessions at affordable prices. The skater must attend training sessions regularly and the purchase of a subscription becomes the best solution. The more training days in your chosen subscription, the cheaper the training sessions for your child.

"International figure skating school" offers a large selection of season tickets for skating. All subscriptions include training sessions on a off ice and on ice platform. The variety of classes instills interest in sports in children, already from an early age and renders a full-fledged development of all physical qualities in the child.

All the subscriptions include the following, mandatory disciplines of figure skating: general physical training, special physical training, choreography, testing for skaters.

In summer, the school's administration organizes summer figure skating camps, in winter, Christmas holidays, school competitions and a variety of events for the children of the school.

Figure skating abonements in the "International figure skating school"

"Sports and Health figure skating group" 

An excellent choice for beginner skaters and figure skaters who are fond of figure skating and do not set themselves serious goals in the way of learning figure skating. This subscription gives an opportunity to get the basics of figure skating and learn how to confidently stand on skates, both adults and the youngest. If during the training you feel that figure skating is your sport and you are ready to practice more often, our trainers will always help you to learn, to go to the senior group, where the training process takes place in a more intensive, training mode.

"Initial training group"

For skaters, 1 year of education is the best choice for young children, the recommended age is 3-5 years. Figure skating is considered an early sport and if a toddler likes to do figure skating, skate, the coach is advised to support the child in his endeavors. The more interest the child shows to the sport, the more productive the training sessions and the higher the result.

"Training figure skating group" 

Figure skaters 2 year of training and age category 5-6 years - every year, up to a certain level of skill, the amount of training is recommended to increase. Increasing the intensity of classes and moving to the senior group guarantees progress. It has long been proven that there is no progress without a gradual increase in the intensity of classes and this is in any sport.

«Sports figure skating group» 

Figure skaters 3 year of education - the corresponding age of 6-8 years. The sports group is already a serious application for the result. The group conducts training sessions to achieve the set goal and education of a real athlete. At this age it is extremely important not to skip training sessions, but, on the contrary, to ride as much as possible. Children are able to quickly recover and the most hard-working, especially in girls. Intensive training with full dedication forms an athlete capable of showing high results.

"Group of sportsmanship"

For skaters, 4 years of training and recommended age 8-9 years. Figure skaters who have already shown themselves at competitions for young children, ready to devote a large skating, part of their time. Figure skating, like any other sport, takes time and effort. If the child is ready to go in for sports closely and his parents support him, then one must bear in mind that professional sports are not hobbies, and skips of training, illness and laziness are not permissible here. Patience and work give birth to champions!

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