Sports figure skating schools in Latvia

Sports schools are skating clubs, the training is developing rapidly, which creates more fierce competition among clubs in schools in Latvia and leads to the inevitable progress of Latvian figure skaters of Latvia (Riga) and Jelgava (Ozolnieki) and in many other Latvian cities. Skating is becoming more accessible in many cities of the Republic of Latvia. The capital of Latvia Riga has more than ten sports clubs / schools in the area of ​​Jelgava, two sports schools / figure skating section, a school in Olaine and so on. The Latvian Association promotes development in Latvia and provides training and support to clubs and figure skating schools.

Sports clubs and figure skating schools of Latvia, registered in the Association of Sporta klubi club


  • International School of Figure Skating
  • Mārupes Ledus skola
  • Agitas Ābeles slidošanas skola
  • Baltia Jelgava, Riga
  • Bont Latvia Speed ​​Skating
  • Daugavpils ledus Daugavpils
  • Dzintara slidasRiga
  • Jūrmalas slidas Jūrmala, Riga
  • Kaskads Riga
  • KBK-Riga Speed ​​Skating
  • Kristal Ice Riga
  • Master Sport Riga
  • Marikas daiļslidošanas klubs Riga
  • Pārdaugava Riga
  • Slidotprieks Ogre
  • Spars Speed ​​Skating
  • Sporta servisa centrs
  • Jelgavas ledus Sporta skola centrs Jelgava
  • Sports pluss
  • Stils Riga
  • Daiļslidošanas klubs Tukums Tukums
  • Tvizzls Riga
  • Valmieras bērnu sporta skola Valmiera
  • Ventspils daiļslidošanas klubs Ventspils
  • Krievānes slidošanas skola and Short track Ozolnieki, Jelgava
  • OZO daiļslidošanas klubs, Ozolnieki
  • LSA biedri 2015


Why choose the International School of Figure Skating?


  • This is a sports school for children in Riga, Marupe, Ozolnieki, Babite
  • Coaches are guided only by the latest, Russian techniques of teaching your children.
  • Teaching children of all ages
  • We put children on skates from scratch, training kids
  • Preparation of future hockey players with the further transition to the hockey team.
  • Qualified trainers have already proven their skills of teaching children to figure skating achievements of their pupils. Pupils of the coaches "International School of Figure Skating" won prizes and became winners of international competitions.
  • Russian coach from St. Petersburg is working.
  • Testing figure skaters - controlling the level of training of the figure skater (parents have a complete picture of the progress of their child for a certain period)
  • Convenient training schedule
  • Acceptable prices
  • Individual approach to your child
  • Summer camps, sports camps and holidays for your children
Sports figure skating schools in Latvia
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